Alex Claman


Update 2024-11-24

In a shocking twist, I’m still somewhat burned out. Which is a great spot to be in at this exact point, since it’s finals season and I’m painfully aware of my (not immediate, but looming intensely) exams deadlines.

Some scattered thoughts, in no particular order. No intended rhyme or reason.

I’m only now building myself back up from the depths of one of the worst bouts of academic burnout I think I’ve ever experienced.1

No real great insight to offer, other than re-emphasizing the importance of letting yourself rest.

I could keep it together enough to make it through the fully necessary things – grading, enough course readings to scrape by, etc. – but that was essentially it.

  1. At this point, I’ve hit a burnout point every semester for at least the past 6 semesters; this is also what I get for doing six years of grad school already. At least I’m done with coursework after this current one… ↩︎